Below is a powershell command I found to get the full IPv6 address:
gwmi win32_serversession | ft –Property ComputerName,UserName
gwmi win32_serversession | ft –Property ComputerName,UserName
# find stale computers in WSUS
# based on code:
$smtpserver = "myExchangeServer"
$sender = "WSUS@myDomain.example"
$recipient = "Support@myDomain.example"
$maxAge = 14
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpserver)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$msg.From = $sender
$msg.Subject = "WSUS Machines Not Checking-In Report"
$msg.Body = "<p>WSUS Machines that have not checked-in in the last $maxAge days</p>"
$msg.Body += "<table>"
$lastValidContactDate = $(Get-Date).Adddays(-$maxAge)
[reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") | out-null
$wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer()
$computerScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetScope
$computerScope.ToLastSyncTime = $lastValidContactDate
$wsus.GetComputerTargets($computerScope) | foreach {
$msg.Body += "<tr><td>" + $_.FullDomainName + "</td><td>" + $_.LastSyncTime + "</td></tr>"
$msg.Body += "</table>"
$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true